Upcoming Events
The program will be held in a hybrid format this year
March 22nd, 2025 – 2:00-4:00pm Zoom
April 26th, 2025 – 11:00am-1:00pm In Person with Performance Opportunity (See Below)
The Mile High Chapter board offering student evaluations again with a hybrid format. Please see the main student evaluations page for more information about the 2025 program.
These evaluations are held to help our Mile High Chapter Members improve their playing and musicianship. It is our hope that students (of all ages) will gain experience playing for and listening to others while receiving feedback from a guest advisor.

Performance Opportunity
Mile High Chapter
Spring Harp Recital
We are excited to bring back a wonderful performance opportunity for harpists of all ages, who are members of the Mile High Chapter, to play on a Spring Harp Recital. The recital will take place on April 26th, 2025 at 1:30 pm, following the second student evaluation at Faith Bible Chapel South in Denver. This is a great opportunity to showcase your student evaluation piece and enjoy some lovely music.
Chapter Member harpists who did not participate in student evaluations, but who would still like to perform on the recital are welcome and encouraged to participate by registering below. (Students who are participating in Student Evaluations do not need to register a second time.)
Please keep your musical selection to under 5 minutes and complete the registration form below. Harpists may choose to play solos or duet/ensemble music on the recital and can play on the harps provided if they so choose. Harpists can bring their own harp to perform on, but will need to arrive no later than 1:00pm to get set up/tuned up.
After student evaluations have concluded on April 26th, we will have about a 45 minute transitional reception with some light refreshments and time to socialize with your fellow harpists.
This event is free to attend, so invite your family and friends!

Juan Riveros
Arranging for the Harp and The Latin American Harp Aesthetics
Saturday, May 10, 10-11am
2501 Dallas St #130, Aurora, CO 80010
The Mile High Chapter invites you to be part of an exciting harp workshop with the talented
Juan Riveros, where you will dive into the art of arranging for the harp and discover the rich aesthetics of Latin American music. This interactive experience is ideal for harpists who want to enhance their skills and unleash their creativity. We invite attendees to stay after the workshop for a socialization opportunity with Juan Riveros.
FREE for Mile High Chapter members! RSVP for members
For non-members, cost is $15 ($12 for students)

Past Events

Prime Time Mind
Performance Workshop with Emily Levin
February 1, 2025
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
CSU University Center for the Arts
"achieving peak mental focus in practicing and in performance"
The Mile High Chapter is thrilled to welcome back guest artist Emily Levin for an interactive performance workshop on achieving peak mental focus during practice and performance. With limited spots available for performers, we encourage those interested to register early! Performers will work through performance scenarios, practice setups, etc. using actual performance. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to audit the workshop!
Registration cost to participate as a performer: $45
Registration cost to participate as an auditor: $15
Who is a good fit to participate as a performer?
This workshop is ideal for high school and college-level pedal harpists with performance-ready or near performance-ready repertoire. If you do not fit this description and are still interested in performing, please reach out to us! Anyone is welcome to attend as an auditor.
Where will the workshop be held?
The Organ Recital Hall, located at Colorado State University's University Center for the Arts
1400 Remington St, Fort Collins, CO 80524

Mile High Chapter
60th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser
Past, Present, Future...
Join us for a wonderful afternoon where we will come together to celebrate six decades of the Mile High Chapter and support the next generation of harpists through the Chapter Ambassador program. Enjoy a presentation from the current Chapter Ambassador, a short concert from the Colorado Harp Quartet, a look back at Chapter history, and time to socialize over desserts!
*This event will be held in a private backyard in Lakewood, CO; exact address will be included in your RSVP confirmation email.*
Bring your own sweets: In keeping with our Chapter's rich history of potlucks, feel free to bring a dessert or your favorite ice cream topping to share (the Mile High Board will be providing ice cream).
There is no cost for this event, although we suggest a donation starting at $10. These donations allow the Chapter to continue to support future Chapter Ambassadors; read more about this incredible program here.

Harp Fantasia Fall 2024

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Masterclass and Recital with
AHS Concert Artist Kaitlin Miller
Saturday February 24th, 2024
at First United Methodist Church in Greeley, CO

Join us for an afternoon masterclass and a dazzling evening harp recital with the current American Harp Society Concert Artist Kaitlin Miller!
TIME CHANGE for Masterclass
Masterclass now from 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
$40 dollars to play on the masterclass for Kaitlin Miller (Limited to 6 Students)
$10 dollars to audit the masterclass (unlimited)
Recital 7:00 p.m.
$10 dollars for Mile High Chapter Members
$15 dollars for Non-Chapter Members
Follow the links below to register and purchase tickets!
Students of all ages and ability levels are welcome and encouraged to either audit or play a piece on the masterclass. If you are interested in playing on the masterclass, we are asking participants to prepare a solo or orchestral excerpt that is in the "well learned" or "almost performance ready" stage. (Please limit your selection to no more than five minutes)
After playing, each participant will have the opportunity to work with Kaitlin Miller for 20 minutes on their piece where they will receive feedback from her. At the conclusion of the masterclass, we will have a brief Q & A session with Kaitlin Miller and will get to hear some of her experiences about what life is like as a professional touring harpist. A pedal or lever harp will be provided at the class for students to play on, so no extra harp hauling! Yay!

Merry Christmas!
Thank you all for participating in this year's Holiday Compilation Project! You can watch both compilation videos here.
The Mile High Chapter Board wishes everyone a warm, wonderful holiday season! Please enjoy a little surprise video from the Chapter Board members, featuring Rebecca Moritzky on electric harp!
Merry Christmas and a Harpy New Year to all from the
Mile High Chapter Board!
Holiday Compilation Project 2023
This compilation project will focus on playing Holiday Harp Ensemble Music, but in a virtual format using a click track. The click track has its roots in the film industry as a way to keep music recordings and many musical parts consistent. When a musician is recording with a click track, it is like playing with a "sophisticated metronome" which then allows a sound editor to later synchronize all of the different parts together digitally.
If you are interested in joining in the holiday fun, please register (free!) by clicking the button below. Once you register, you will receive a link to a Google Drive folder containing all the click track recordings. Harpists may choose which part for each song they would like to play and music can be purchased through Harp Column Music (links below). You are welcome to participate in both songs or just one!
Detailed recording instructions and some Tips & Tricks on how to successfully complete your recordings can be found in the same click track file folder online once you register. We look forward to celebrating the holiday season with this special music and hope harpists of all ages and ability levels participate!
Final Recordings now due by Sunday, December 17th at 11:59 p.m.
The completed ensemble videos will be released in time for Christmas for you to share with
your family and friends.
Holiday Music Repertoire
"First Snow in Winter" by Harriet Adie (purchase parts here)
Harp 1 (A) is suitable for a beginner and has no lever or pedal changes
Harp 2 (B) is suitable for late beginner/early intermediate and can be played on lever or pedal harp (contains a few lever/pedal changes)
"We Wish You a Merry Christmas" arr. by Stephen Dunstone (purchase parts here)
Harp 1 (beginner) is playable on lever or pedal harp with NO lever or pedal changes
Harp 2 (late beginner) is playable on lever or pedal harp with two clearly marked lever or pedal changes
Harp 3 (intermediate) is playable on lever or pedal harp with two clearly marked (but quick) lever or pedal changes
Harp 4 (early intermediate) is playable on lever or pedal harp with several clearly marked (but quick) lever or pedal changes

2023 Mile High
Harp Symposium
Sunday, September 24th
1:15 - 7:45 p.m.
Center for Musical Arts
in Lafayette, CO
Registration is now LIVE

Trio Arcadia Concert
Sunday, September 24th, 7:00pm
Come enjoy a stunning program by harpist Courtney Hershey Bress (principal harpist of the Colorado Symphony) and Trio Arcadia, including selections from Michael Daugherty's Harp of Ages for Solo Harp and Orchestra. You won't want to miss the closing harp symposium concert! Click the Register Now button below to purchase tickets.
**If you are registered for Harp Symposium, you do NOT need to purchase a ticket for this event. Your ticket is included in your registration fee.**
Chapter Ambassador
Presentation & Benefit Concert
followed by an Ice Cream Social
September 9th, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Over the past two years, the Mile High Chapter has had the privilege of sponsoring four students through the AHS Chapter Ambassador Program. Three of these students attended the national AHS conference in Sioux Falls (June 2022) and our current Chapter Ambassador Adaleigh Hellman attended the AHS Summer Institute this June.
In order to continue to be able to provide this phenomenal opportunity for our students, we invite you to join us Saturday, September 9th, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm for a benefit concert given by Kathryn Harms, a presentation from Adaleigh about her experiences and project as a Chapter Ambassador, and an ice cream social.
Scroll down to read a bit about Adaleigh Hellman and Kathryn Harms

This event will be held at the Wheat Ridge Center for Music and Arts
(7530 W 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO). Suggested concert donation of $10.
Adaleigh Hellman is a Senior in the IB program at
Lakewood High School. She is the Principal Harpist of the Front Range
Youth Symphony and the Lakewood HS Chamber orchestra, and has played with the Jefferson Symphony Orchestra, the Colorado All-State Symphony Orchestra, and the Colorado All-State Harp Ensemble. Adaleigh studies with Barbara Lepke-Sims, and also plays piano, violin, and viola. In her spare time, she loves to read space operas and bake cakes (the more extravagant the better!)

Harpist Kathryn Harms is a versatile performer and innovative teacher based in Boulder, CO. She holds a faculty position at Colorado State University and maintains a vibrant private studio of all ages with a special emphasis on bringing youth harpists together through studio classes and interactive seminars. She is the current Vice President and chapter ambassador mentor for the Mile High Chapter of the American Harp Society (AHS) and serves on the national AHS Chapter Ambassador Committee.
Dedicated to new music, she is a past recipient of an AHS grant to commission a chamber piece for harp and string quartet. She was also an invited performer at the Society of Composers, Inc. 2018 National Convention in Tacoma, WA and at the 2019 AHS Institute in Winston-Salem, NC. An ardent orchestral harpist, she has performed with ensembles such as the Colorado Symphony, the Colorado Springs Philharmonic, Opera Southwest, and the New Mexico Philharmonic. She is principal harpist of the Colorado Mahlerfest Orchestra, a substitute for the New World Symphony, and a frequent guest artist with ensembles including the Ars Nova Singers. For more information, please visit KathrynHarms.com.

A Night at the Colorado Symphony

Join the Mile High Chapter for the World Premiere Night of Michael Daugherty's Harp Concerto featuring Colorado Symphony Harpist Courtney Hershey Bress!
Friday May 12, 2023, at 7:30 pm
We Have a Block of Seats reserved for the Mile High Chapter of the American Harp Society for Friday's performance. This block of seats offers a discounted ticket price for Mile High Chapter Members and their guests.
To Purchase tickets, call Molly Epstein (of group sales) at 303-619-6196 and say that you are with the "Mile High Chapter of the American Harp Society" before Friday, April 28. You cannot purchase tickets in our reserved block online. This will give regular adult tickets (in our seating block) the price of $29.15 each, and students and teachers $12.80 each. Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible, as there is a limited number of tickets available in our Mile High Chapter block.
There will be a prelude (preconcert talk from 6:30 -7:00 pm) before the concert, and we encourage everyone to stay for the Talk Back after the concert with the Conductor, Guest Composer, and Courtney Hershey Bress. More details about the concert and program can be found on the Colorado Symphony website.

Performance Opportunity
Mile High Chapter
Spring Student Recital
Recital Start Time Changed to 4:00 p.m.
We are excited to announce a wonderful performance opportunity for harpists of all ages, who are members of the Mile High Chapter, to play on a Spring Student Recital. The recital will take place on April 15th, 2023, following the second student evaluation at Faith Bible Chapel South in south Denver. This is a great opportunity to showcase your student evaluation piece and enjoy some lovely music.
Harpists who did not participate in student evaluations, but who would still like to perform on the recital are welcome and encouraged to participate by registering below. (Students who are participating in Student Evaluations do not need to register a second time.) Please keep your musical selection to under 5 minutes and complete the registration form below. Harpists may choose to play solos or duet/ensemble music on the recital and can play on the harps provided if they so choose. (Harpists can bring their own harp to perform on, but will need to arrive no later than 3:45 pm to get step up/tuned up)
After student evaluations have concluded on April 15th, we will have about a 20-minute transitional reception with some light refreshments and time to socialize with your fellow harpists. The Spring Student Recital will begin at 4:00 pm and will last about an hour. This event is free to attend, so invite your family and friends!

Alexander Boldachev Masterclass

TIME CHANGE! The masterclass will Start at 7:00 pm due to unforeseen circumstances.
Join us on November 28th
(7:00 - 9:30 pm) for a masterclass with world class harpist Alexander Boldachev at Central Christian Church of Denver.
Don't miss the opportunity to perform or audit this Masterclass where Boldachev will also speak on his musical career.
There are limited spots available to play, so register today in the link below!
Light refreshments will be provided.
The Mile High Chapter is excited to reveal the final t-shirt design from our contest. Get Your Shirt Soon as they will only be available to order until Orders Have Officially Closed for the Fundraising Shirts
The beautiful winning design was created by Julianne McCullough (one of our chapter ambassadors) and will be featured on a special limited time only fundraising t-shirt. This shirt celebrates the "Mile High Spirit" and our commitment to "Elevating the Harp Community since 1964". It is our hope that these fundraising t-shirts will help to further establish our chapter ambassador program funding and support.

Click on the Images above to see the detail on the shirt
The navy-blue shirts will be available in either a crew neck (sizes Youth S - XL and Adult S-5LX) or
v-neck (Ladies Adult S-2XL) style and will sell for $28 dollars. This shirt will only be available until 5:00pm on September 22nd.
Harp Fantasia October 8th, 2022

Click Here for More Information & To Register

A Sundae with the Chapter Ambassadors
Enjoy a Sundae on Sunday August 14th with your fellow Mile High Chapter Harpists, while getting to hear special presentations from our chapter ambassadors.
Join us on August 14th from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the Central Christian Church of Denver (3690 Cherry Creek South Drive, Denver) for time to socialize over free ice cream sundaes, find out more about the chapter ambassador program, and to hear special presentations by our three Chapter Ambassadors about their community engagement projects and their experiences at the National Harp Conference.

The Mile High Chapter is also excited to reveal the final t-shirt design from our contest earlier this spring!

Davin-Levin Duo Concert
February 5th, 7:30 pm at Hampden Hall in Englewood
A “clearly felicitous combination of two plucked string instruments,” (ClevelandClassical), the Davin-Levin Duo is comprised of Emily Levin, Principal Harp of theDallas Symphony Orchestra, and Colin Davin, Guitar Co-Head at the ClevelandInstitute of Music. Since their first performance together in 2015, the Davin-Levin Duo has revolutionized the genre, expanding the repertoire through commissions and arrangements and establishing their instrument combination as a dynamic chamber music experience. The Davin-Levin Duo has appeared around the country, performing concert experiences ranging from (Le) Poisson Rouge in New York City to intimate wine cellars in Boulder, CO.
The Mile High Chapter and Kolacny Music are excited to present this concert held at Hampden Hall in Englewood. Emily Levin says "the program will include our transcriptions of works by Claude Debussy, Florence Price and Philip Glass, along with new commissions for our two instruments." You can read more about this amazing duo here, and if you want to listen to their album, you can find that here!
Tickets are $18 dollars for Non Mile High Chapter Members and $12 for Mile High Chapter Members. Please click on the button below to purchase tickets.

Masterclass with special guest Harpist Emily Levin

February 5th, 2:00-4:30 pm
Come participate in this wonderful masterclass with special guest harpist Emily Levin!
Students of all ages and ability levels are welcome and encouraged to either audit or play a piece on the masterclass for Miss Levin.
If you are interested in playing on the masterclass, we are asking participants to prepare a solo or orchestral excerpt that is in the "well learned" or "almost performance ready" stage. (Please limit your selection to no more than five minutes) Each participant will have the opportunity to work with Emily Levin for 20 minutes on their piece where they will receive feedback and some tips and tricks on practicing and performance preparation. At the conclusion of the masterclass we will have a Q & A session with Emily Levin and will get to hear some of her experiences about what life is like as a professional touring harpist. (A pedal or lever harp will be provided at the class for students to play on, so no extra harp hauling!)
There is a six student cap to play for Emily Levin and there are still a few spots left to play on the masterclass, so be sure to sign up soon! (unlimited auditing tickets available)

Holiday Click Track Compilation Project
This compilation project will focus on playing Holiday Harp Ensemble Music, but in a virtual format using a click track. The click track has its roots in the film industry as a way to keep music recordings and many musical parts consistent. When a musician is recording with a click track, it is like playing with a "sophisticated metronome" which then allows a sound editor to later synchronize all of the different parts together digitally.
If you are interested in joining in the holiday fun please select which ensemble group(s) you would like to participate in. Harpists may participate in more than one group or "mix and match" if a song in one of the other groups looks interesting. Register below (free) in order to get the link to the click track recordings folder. Harpists may choose which part for each song they would like to play and music can be purchased locally through Kolacny Music.
Detailed instructions and some Tips & Tricks on how to complete your recordings can be found in the same click track file folder online once you register. We look forward to celebrating the holiday season with this special music and hope harpists of all ages and ability levels participate!
Final Recordings need to be submitted by December 5th at 11:59 p.m.
The completed ensemble videos will be released in time for Christmas for you to share with Family & Friends.
Holiday Music Repertoire
Ensemble A - Beginner
"Duet Carols for Joy: Pat-a-Pan" arr. by Stephanie Curcio
Both harp parts are playable on Lever or Pedal Harp
Ensemble B - Intermediate
"Walking in the Air" from the Snow Man arr. by Margot Krimmel
Harp 1 Is playable on Lever or Pedal Harp
Harp 2 is playable only on Pedal Harp
Ensemble C - Mixed Ensemble
"Carol of the Bells" arr. by Bonnie Mohr
Harp A (1) is playable on Lever or Pedal Harp and is an intermediate level part with no lever changes, but some pedal changes if played on pedal harp
Harp B (2) is playable on Lever or Pedal Harp and is a beginner level part with no pedal/lever changes
Harp C (3) is playable only on Pedal Harp and is an intermediate level part with some pedal changes
It's Finally time to Open Christmas Presents!
Click HERE to watch the Holiday Harp Ensemble Compilations Videos.
The Mile High Chapter Board would like to wish everyone Warm Holiday Wishes and we hope that you have a Bright & Harpy New Year!
Enjoy a Special Holiday Video from the Mile High Chapter Board!

Mile High Chapter
Affogato Harp Recital
Saturday, August 28th from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
At Steam Expresso Bar (1801 S Pearl St., Denver)
Coffee and Ice Cream with a Splash of Music!
Come kick off the fall season by joining the Mile High Chapter on Saturday, August 28th for coffee, free ice cream, and live music at Steam Espresso Bar in Denver. It has been a while since we have had a chance to be together to socialize and share live music with each other. Steam Espresso Bar provides the perfect venue to host this recital as we will be set up outside on the back patio and will have enough room to social distance while enjoying the atmosphere. (We ask that you follow the current social distancing and mask mandates)
This open mic style recital is a wonderful opportunity to run through an audition piece, play a piece you've been working on all summer, or pull out an old favorite to share. There will be a pedal and a lever harp available to play, so there is no need to cart a harp around! We will have a sign-up sheet by the ice cream table and we plan to begin the music around 10:30 am.
Even if you don't want to play, come support your fellow harpists while enjoying some ice cream or a cup of coffee (or tea or fresh juice) from Steam Espresso. Come and go as your schedule allows and we look forward to seeing everyone there!
Don't forget to stop by our Local Harp Shop - Kolacny Music since it is just a few blocks away...
Did you know? Affogato means "drowned" in Italian.
An affogato al caffé is a scoop of vanilla ice cream "drowned" in a
shot of espresso.

Compilation Project 2.0
A Harp Ensemble Experience to Elevate One Another
Have you ever wanted to learn how to play with a click track? Or do you even wonder what a click track is? The Mile High Harp Society has the answers to these questions and more. Learn how to play with a click track and enjoy making harp ensemble music with your fellow chapter members!

This compilation project will focus on playing harp ensemble music, but in a virtual format using a click track. The click track has its roots in the film industry as a way to keep music recordings and many musical parts consistent. When a musician is recording with a click track, it is like playing with a "sophisticated metronome" which then allows a sound editor to later synchronize all of the different parts together digitally.
If you are interested in joining in the fun please select which ensemble group you would like to participate in. Harpists may participate in more than one group or "mix and match" if a song in one of the other groups looks interesting. All music is playable on lever or pedal harp with the exception of the Challenger Group C Song. Register below (free) in order to get the link to the click track folder. Harpists may choose which part for each song they would like to play and music can be purchased locally through Kolacny Music.
Detailed instructions and some Tips & Tricks on how to complete your recordings can be found in the same click track file folder online. There will be several opportunities for office hours with our vice president Jenna Hunt, on how to play/record with click tracks and to answer any questions you may have. The dates/times for the office hours and the Zoom link can be found in the click track folder as well. Final Recordings need to be submitted by March 7th at 11:59 p.m. and the compilation video will be released by the end of March.
Music Repertoire 2.0*
Ensemble A - Beginner
Flower Fairies & Fairy Ring from Enchanted Melodies for Two Harps by Kathryn Cater
Creole Lullaby from For Little Troubadours by Dewy Owens (Harpist Favorite from Harp Fantasia 2019)
Ensemble B - Intermediate
Dyades: 1 & 3 by Bernard Andres
Bubble Waltz by Stephanie Curcio
Ensemble C - Challenger Song
La Joyeuse by Jean Philippe Rameau, Transcribed for Two Harps by Carlos Salzedo
*Some of these music selections will be used again for the harp circle at the Fall Harp Symposium!
Be sure to also check out our Virtual Compilation 2.0
Harp Ensemble Videos - Click Here

Musical Trivia Challenge
Join your fellow harpists for some friendly competition (with prizes) and test your musical knowledge in our first online game night!
This virtual event will take place on February 21st, from 4:00 - 6:00 pm.
The Mile High Chapter is excited to present this fun online event and harpists of all ages and experience levels are welcome to participate!
We will play the trivia game as one big group. That way we can interact with each other just like we are sitting around the kitchen table together. However, entrants will be divided into 3 different experience level groups, so that we can have a winner in each group.
Group 1 - Allegro Novices
Harpists aged 13 or younger
Or harpists who have been playing the harp less than 2 years
Group 2 - Presto Apprentices
Harpists who are ages 14 - 19 years of age
Harpists who started playing as adults and are not studying music in college
Harpists who have been playing for 2 to 6 years
Group 3 - Vivace Veterans
Harpists who have been playing the harp for 7 years or more
College aged students who are studying music
Professional or semi professional harpists
There is no registration fee, simply sign up Below in one of the three groups that best fits your experience level. Once a participant registers they will receive a Zoom link and more detailed instruction on setting up game play. After the trivia challenge concludes we will have an opportunity to continue to socialize with each other in several break out rooms. You can chat more about the harp or if you would like to share a song/ section of a song that you have been working on with your fellow harpists in a Harp Circle setting.
If you are curious about how this online game will work, here is a brief setup/game play summary:
The Musical Trivia Challenge will consist of three rounds of questions covering a variety of topics including Harp History, Famous Harpists, Music Theory, Technique, and much more!
Game play will take place using two online platforms. To join the Kahoot! game, you will need two devices: One device (typically a computer) is for the meeting on Zoom, and where the game questions will be posted, and one device (typically a smart phone or tablet) will be your answer-entry-pad. Each entrant will need his/her own entry-device. You do NOT need to download an app to play on Kahoot! You play it directly from the website. The Kahoot! platform is simple to use and it is a super fun way to play games together while distancing.
Once everyone is logged in we will play a quick "test-game" before we start the real fun, just to familiarize everyone with how the game works and to test your devices. Each question will be displayed on the screen for several seconds. After that, the question AND the multiple-choice answers will be displayed, along with a countdown clock, starting from 20 seconds. You will use your smart phone/ tablet (connected to Kahoot!) to enter your answer using the colored square that correlates with the correct answer on the meeting screen.
Each question has only one correct answer. You receive no points for an incorrect answer or if you don't answer within the 20 seconds. Your points for a correct answer depend upon how quickly you answered the question. So Speed is part of the game! BUT NOTE, several questions have "all of the above" as a possible answer, so don't select an answer too quickly!
A prize will be awarded for the top player in each of the experience level groups. We will go over the answers after we complete the game and we hope that you will learn something new that you never knew about our amazing instrument!

We are excited to announce a virtual solo recital and masterclass with special guest harpist
Grace Browning
Solo Recital November 14th
4:00 pm (MT)
Tickets: $10 for Mile High Chapter Members
$15 for Non Mile High Chapter Members
Join us November 14th at 4:00 pm for a virtual performance with Grace Browning, soloist,
ensemble player, and harp faculty at Denver University. An equal devotee of solo and operatic
literature, Grace will share an interactive program featuring works by Grandjany, Parish Alvars,
Tchaikovsky, Loiellet, and Lizotte, and tales from her life as an opera harpist.
Performance Psychology Workshop & Masterclass November 15th from 3:00 - 6:00 pm (MT)
Tickets: $10 to audit (unlimited)
$40 to play on the masterclass (limited to 5 Spaces)
This interactive Workshop/Masterclass will be divided into two parts.
First, come learn some performance tips and tricks in the Performance Psychology 101 lecture. Then in the second half of the class, hear Grace Browning work with harp students in a masterclass setting.
Choose between auditing this combo class or choose to play for Grace on the masterclass (Workshop included). There is only 1 performance spot left and it is filled on a first come first serve basis, but there are unlimited audit tickets available.
Grace Browning would like to encourage all workshop participants to have their harp available during the interactive class to try some of the performance techniques together. Participants can be muted, but can still interact in our virtual environment.
Both of these events will be held virtually in hopes that we can have a great turn out, but still respect current social distancing rules. The links for the recital and workshop will be sent out an hour before the event, so keep an eye on you email inbox.
To find out more about Grace Browning, check out her website at www.gracebrowningharpist.com/about

The Mile High Chapter of the AHS Presents our First Annual
Online Regional Recital
While music continues to move to an online sharing platform, the Mile High Chapter is doing our part in maintaining safe social distancing practices while still elevating the local harp community!
After having huge success with the Online Student Evaluations, the board has decided to host our Regional Recital Online (using Zoom) on
Saturday August 1st, from 2pm- 5pm
We want to give our community of musicians an opportunity to share their music with each other, which we hope will inspire growth and curiosity in its participants!
Here are the Details...
Who can participate in the Recital?
Harpists of all ages and ability levels are welcome to participate! Performers (Harpists) in the recital MUST be members of the Mile High Chapter, and are required to register below in advance. We ask that you provide the title of the piece, the composer, and the length of the piece you would like to perform on your registration form.
How Long can my performance be?
In order to keep the recital available to as many musicians as possible, repertoire will be limited in length to 3 minutes for beginner pieces, 5 minutes for intermediate pieces, and 7 minutes for advanced pieces.
How do I share my performance?
Each participant will have the option to either pre-record their video and share it with the Zoom audience from their own device during the recital, or they may choose to perform their piece live via Zoom.
Is there a cost to perform on the recital?
No, it is FREE for current active members to participate. If you are not a Mile High Chapter Member you will need to pay your membership dues for the current membership year.
I am not a current member, how do I join or renew my dues?
Click HERE to go to our Membership Page to join or renew your dues.
I would just like to watch the recital. What do I need to do?
Audience members will also need to register below in advance for the recital in order to receive the private Zoom link. The "tickets" for the recital are FREE!
What are the Registration Cut off Dates?
Performers need to register by 11:59 p.m. on July 30th to participate
Audience Members need to register by 11:59 p.m. on July 31st to receive the Zoom link in an email. (Sent out in the Morning on August 1st)

We are calling upon our Mile High Chapter members for video submissions of one of your favorite pieces to play!
These videos will be compiled into a longer video that we would like to send out as a resource for nursing homes and schools. We want to use our music to spread joy during this uncertain time and let our community know that we are thinking of them.
Each video can be 2-5 minutes long in a .mov and .mp4 format and can be emailed to milehighahs@gmail.com. Make sure the subject line says “Compilation video” and include the title of your piece, the composer, and your full name in the body of the email.
Please submit videos by 11:59 pm on April 13th.
Mile High Chapter of the AHS: Harp Compilation Project
Music to Elevate Your Day!

2020 Mile High
Harp Symposium
Saturday, February 22nd
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Bridge Church at
Bear Creek in Lakewood

Harp Fantasia 2019
Come Make Music with your fellow Harpists!
September 28th, 2019
Registration is Now LIve!
Concert and Masterclass with special guest AHS Concert Artist Abigail Kent
October 20, 2018
Masterclass: 10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m
at The Bridge Church at Bear Creek
(3101 S Kipling St, Lakewood, CO 80227)
We will hold a short annual meeting immediately following the masterclass. Please plan to stay and participate! We will be voting on the 2019 slate of officers. Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering!
Concert: 7:00 p.m.
at Hampden Hall - Englewood Civic Center
(1000 Englewood Pkwy • 2nd Floor , Englewood, CO 80110)
Abigail Kent is the 2017–19 touring “Concert Artist” of the American Harp Society after winning the prestigious Pan-American solo competition. Currently, she is presenting solo recitals and teaching masterclasses throughout the US and Canada, while also having been a featured harp soloist for the 2017 World Harp Congress in Hong Kong, a Laureate Finalist at the 2017 Classics Alive management search in Los Angeles, and named the February 2018 “New Artist of the Month” for Musical America International Magazine.

Would you like to play for Abigail Kent on the Masterclass?
Participation Fee: $30 to participate - Pre-registration required
Please email Barbara Lepke-Sims at blepkesims@gmail.com. Include your name, years you have studied the harp, and the song selection you would like to play. There are only 6 spots available. Sign Up Soon!
Audit Fee: $10 - Payable by cash the day-of the masterclass or online by clicking the blue box below!
Want to attend the concert?
COST: $10 for members / $15 for non-members - Payable by cash the day-of the concert or online by clicking the blue box below!