Next Meetings - January 6 and 26, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Chapter members are welcome to attend any board meetings! If you are interested in attending virtually, please send us an email at milehighahs@gmail.com so that we can send you the login information.
Mile High Chapter Board 2024-2026
We are looking to fill the position of Marketing and Communications Coordinator on the Mile High Chapter Board! As our Chapter continues to grow, we have a greater need for someone to distribute information via our social media accounts and website. Lethicia Caravello did a fantastic job filling this role of Marketing and Communications Coordinator for the last year - read about her experiences as our MCC!
"Serving in the AHS Mile High Chapter as a Marketing & Communications Coordinator was an uplifting experience for me. It was great getting to know the other board members and be more involved in the harp community. In this position, I was able to participate in board meetings and events, as well as help plan for them. I had the responsibility to help with advertising and communicating in behalf of the board; which also helped me know about everything that was going on and participate along. Even though I had to step back for a season, I’m glad I was able to be a part of it and would certainly do it again."
~ Lethicia Caravello
Below are the requirements for the Mile High MCC. If you are interested, please reach out to us at milehighahs@gmail.com!
18+ years old
Member of Mile High Chapter and American Harp Society
One 2-hour board meeting per month (held on Zoom)
One year commitment (with the possibility to continue)
Creating social media posts and email blasts
You do NOT need to be a professional harpist to be on our board! You also do not need to come up with original content for social media or emails - you are simply distributing information discussed in board meetings. We would LOVE to have you on our team!
For additional resources please check out the National Chapter Page and consider becoming a national member of the American Harp Society: https://harpsociety.org/